Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
You’ll find on this page:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Programs
Marni Waiendi provides support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members through:
- Advocacy / breaking down regional perception barriers of Aboriginal people
- Assist with the development of Aboriginal programs and services with local service providers and agencies
- Creation of a community environment that values and delivers targeted engagement level programs
- Development and promotion appropriate quality programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community in the Northern areas
Community Information Service
Connects Indigenous people and their families by referring and linking them to mainstream and Indigenous support services including:
- Health care
- Housing
- Employment
- Education
- Child care
- Legal advice
- Income support
- Counselling
For further information, contact Marni Waiendi on 8256 0145.
Marni Waiendi is located at 85 Ridley Road, Elizabeth South
Get directions to 85 Ridley Rd, Elizabeth South SA 5112, AustraliaAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Resources
The following links connect users with resources and information relative to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, heritage, politics, health, reconciliation and more:
Cultural Centres
Kaurna Language
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