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Feedback, Compliments and Complaints

How do I contact you with my complaint?

You can contact Playford in a number of ways for your convenience:

Although we may not always be able to resolve your issue right away, we will do our best to navigate you in the right direction or pass on your information to a more senior Council Officer if your complaint needs further assistance.

You can read more about the full process in our policies and procedures below.

What if I’m not satisfied with the outcome?

If you aren't satisfied with the outcome of a Council decision, you can request an internal review of the decision, which was made by Council or an Officer, under Section 270 of the Local Government Act 1999. The procedure in accordance with relevant legislation, provides for the decision making process to be internally reviewed and enables all the evidence relied on to make a decision to be reconsidered, including any new relevant evidence provided.

A fee of $20 (prescribed by Government Gazette on 16 September 2021) which came into effect on 10 November 2021 applies to all section 270 applications for review of a Council decision.

The Internal Review of a Council Decision process can be found in the Internal Review of a Council Decision Procedure.

What is the timeframe for investigating complaints?

We do our best to work with you to resolve your complaint as quickly and effectively as possible. If your complaint is complex or requires further investigation, we will try to resolve it within 10 business days. Where it is not possible to meet this timeframe, we will continue to keep you informed of progress throughout the process of reviewing your complaint.

How can I provide a compliment or general feedback?

We would love to hear from you if you have any feedback that will help us improve our services or you can leave a comment if you had a positive experience with Playford.

You can submit your comment in a number of ways:

Other complaint procedures

There are other complaint procedures which apply to particular types of complaints. Some examples of these are decisions made under legislation other than the Local Government Act 1999, such as:

Complaints of misconduct against a Council Member (Elected Member)

Please refer to the Behavioural Management Policy and Procedure below.

These complaints must be in writing, marked 'Council Member Complaint' and can be lodged via or in person at 12 Bishopstone Road, Davoren Park. The complaint will need to outline who the subject of the complaint is, state the circumstances of the alleged breach, identify yourself (the complainant) and provide as much supporting evidence as possible. 

Complaints of misconduct against employees (including the CEO)

Please refer to the Code of Conduct for Council Employees below.

To submit a complaint, clearly outline what section of the Code of Conduct has been breached and follow the Complaints Handling Procedure for Tier 2 complaints.

Complaints about employees must be marked confidential and to the attention of the CEO. If the CEO is the subject of the complaint, it must be sent attention to the mayor.

Independent Commissioner Against Corruption & Office for Public Integrity

Council is a public authority and its employees are public officers subject to the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act 2012.

The following types of conduct are assessed by the Office of Public Integrity (OPI) and referred to the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (ICAC) for investigation:

  • corruption
  • misconduct
  • maladministration

If the ICAC determines through investigation there is evidence of the above, referral to the relevant authority will occur. The ICAC cannot commence criminal proceedings or prosecution.