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Argana Park Upgrade

Project outline

Widely regarded as the home of netball in northern Adelaide, Argana Park features 22 outdoor netball courts, along with cricket nets, two football ovals and five soccer pitches.

The Elizabeth Downs venue has been a mainstay of the city’s sporting culture since the early days of Elizabeth, hosting a variety of local teams, associations and large-scale competitions.

This project will improve the experience for a range of sporting codes located at the site and is supported by the State Government through funding from the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing.

The upgrade includes:

  • 300 new carparks
  • Internal road widened to meet growing traffic needs
  • New and modern changerooms for netball and soccer players
  • Oval lighting
  • Updated footpaths leading into the facility
  • New signage

The project is expected to be completed in late 2025.


Project updates will be shared here, keeping you informed of its progress.

All Argana Park clubs and association committees receive these updates via email every fortnight and are strongly encouraged to share them with all club members.

14/03/2025 - Project Update
  • The changeroom construction is progressing well, with timber framing commencing in the weeks ahead.
  • Footpath works are continuing across the site. The Mavros Road footpath is progressing well, and is 50 percent completed.
  • Work is continuing on the eastern carpark, with this site unavailable for use during the construction period. The kerbing has progressed well, with installation now underway following preparation works.
  • Work is commencing on the new cricket nets adjacent the football clubrooms and eastern carpark. This will not impact the use of the current cricket nets.
Argana foundation
Aerial view of the changeroom concrete slab being poured
Kerbing onsite
Carpark work progresses
Midway Road entrance progress.
28/02/2025 - Project Update
  • The changeroom construction is progressing well, with the slab scheduled to be poured in the following weeks.
  • Footpath works are continuing across the site.
  • Carpark construction is also ongoing, with electrical and stormwater works nearing completion.
  • Kerbing preparation is currently underway.
Foundation ready for slab to be poured.
14/02/2025 - Project Update

The project is moving forward steadily, with ongoing work happening across the site.

We remind all park users to remain mindful of construction areas and any changing conditions. For the safety of the community, all construction zones are securely fenced off and must not be entered.

Excitingly, this week saw preparation for the foundation of the netball and soccer changerooms - see image below.

Work is also continuing in the eastern carpark, including stormwater drainage and laying the base for the pavement.

Preliminary works are underway to upgrade the Midway Road entrance, which remains closed for access.

Footpath work is ongoing, including the Mavros Road footpath and others within the park. Pedestrians are encouraged to be mindful moving about these area.

Foundations at Argana Park
Foundation preparation is underway for the new soccer and netball changerooms.
31/01/2025 - Project Update
  • Access to all ovals and courts will be maintained throughout the duration of the project.
  • Midway Road Access is closed until June 2025. Please use the alternative entrance via Mavros Road.
  • Ongoing works in the eastern carpark include water main relocation, installation of electrical runs for lighting, as well as laying of granular pavement. The Eastern Car Park is closed from Midway Road to the football clubrooms. For your safety, please stay outside the temporary fenced areas.
  • Work continues on the Mavros Road footpath and various other footpaths within the park, including electrical runs for lighting. This will have minimal impacts to access.
  • Excavation has begun for the footings of the new changerooms located between the soccer pitches and netball courts. The site of the new clubrooms is fully fenced, but please take care when moving around this area.

Thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation.

10/01/2025 - Project Update

Midway Road Access

From Monday 13 January 2025 till July 2025 the Midway Road access will be closed whilst there is work occurring on the 'Eastern Carpark'. All access will be required to be through the Netball entrance. (refer to Lot Map attached)

Please allow extra time when coming to the park for regular sports practice or games.

DDA Pathway

A pathway has been established connecting the Western carpark to the Cricket/AFL clubrooms which will allow for easier access to this building. This pathway will be in place for the duration of the works.

6/12/2024 - Project Update

There will be temporary outages to power supply between Monday 9 and Tuesday 10 December from 9am to 4:30pm at the changerooms at Argana Park, near the netball courts and car park. Please contact Council with any questions or concerns.

14/11/2024 - Project Update

We have reached a significant milestone with the Argana Park Upgrades project. We are pleased to inform you that Council appointed building contractor Blue Built to deliver the project upgrade.

Work will begin on site on 2 December 2024, with the upgrade set to deliver:

    • New shared change room and toilet facility for Elizabeth Netball Association and Elizabeth Downs Soccer Club
    • Upgrading parking and internal roadways
    • New lighting towers for football oval 1
    • New cricket training nets
    • Soccer pitch 1 coach’s boxes
    • Formalising car parking on Mavros Road
    • Walking paths connecting the site


  • The contractor will be mobilising to site on the 2 December, during this week the contractor will establish themselves on site, setting up offices and amenities and traffic management.
  • During this month the demolition and earthworks will commence on the Eastern carpark, and the new Changerooms.
  • The contractor will be removing the trees and stripping the vegetation from working areas.
  • The contractor will also be removing old kerbing, fencing, shelter, bins, one public cricket net and removing the asphalt from the Eastern carpark.

How will this impact you?

  • You will start to see temporary fencing going up around working areas, and a site office area established as per the attached Argana Site plan
  • Works this month will be primarily contained to the Eastern carpark and the location of the new changerooms.
  • Works will be undertaken within temporary fenced areas, and access is not permitted.
  • Works will primarily be undertaken during the hours of 9:00am – 4:30pm

Argana Park Access

Access points for Argana Park will change throughout the duration of the works, your typical parking spot or access point may be temporarily impacted. Please allow extra time when coming to the park for regular practice or games.

From December 2024 to June 2025, the Midway Road access will be closed while work is occurring on the 'Eastern Carpark' (the carpark closest to the football clubrooms). All access will be required to be through the Netball Club entrance (closest carpark to Mavros Road entry).

From June till September 2025 both accesses will be open, however, the 'Western Carpark' lot will be closed, with no access for parking there.

Temporary relocations

As a result of the upcoming upgrades, clubs should prepare for possible temporary changes to their usual playing and training locations. This may include interruptions in parking within or near the site. All affected clubs will be notified directly by phone and in writing about any necessary relocations. The council aims to minimise the impact on your club and will assist with any relocations if needed.

1/08/2024 - Project Update

The tender process for the Argana Park Upgrade has now closed and Council is reviewing the submissions. We anticipate appointing a suitable contractor by the end of August to deliver these works. With an expected start date on site of late September/early October.

The upgrades include:

  • New Shared change room and toilet facility for Elizabeth Netball Association and Elizabeth Downs Soccer Club
  • Upgrading parking and internal roadways
  • New light towers for the football oval 1
  • New cricket training nets
  • Soccer pitch 1 coach’s boxes
  • Formalising car parking on Mavros Road
  • Walking paths connecting the site

Irrigation updates

In addition, and as part of this project, the irrigation systems on all four ovals will also be upgraded. Argana Park Clubs identified the need for this improvement due to sections of turf needing to be replaced over time and due to the irrigation reaching its end of life.

Council has engaged an experienced irrigation consultant to design a comprehensive irrigation system for all green spaces at Argana Park. Once the design is finalised, the project will be released for tender to select a contractor for the irrigation work. We are expecting the tender phase to occur in November.

Temporary relocations

As a result of all these upgrades, clubs may need to anticipate temporary changes to their usual playing and training locations. This is to ensure the safety of all club members, players and spectators while the construction is taking place. All affected clubs will be notified directly over the phone about the necessary relocations in due course. Council will support and facilitate clubs with any temporary relocations.

Midway Road Access

From Monday 13 January 2025 until July 2025, Midway Road access to Argana Park will be closed. This is to facilitate an upgrade to the eastern carpark, located near the football clubroom. All vehicle access to Argana Park during this time will be through the netball entrance on Mavros Road.

More information

Parking improvements

Community feedback about limited parking led to a key component of the upgrade focussing on the addition of 300 extra spaces. The upgrade includes expanding car parking around the main football oval and their clubrooms, reducing the walking distance to these facilities.

New changerooms

The installation of modern changerooms will replace the original facilities, which have received minor updates over the years to keep up with the growing needs of the soccer and netball club. The original changerooms will be converted into much-needed storage space for clubs’ use.

These unisex changerooms will be freestanding and purpose-built to accommodate multiple teams, with a strong emphasis on accessibility, user privacy and functionality.

Additional improvements

Further upgrades to adjoining footpaths, oval lighting and new left and right exit lanes on Midway and Mavros Road entrances, and new signage are also planned, enhancing the overall experience for players, spectators and visitors alike.

Frequently asked questions

What can residents living nearby expect during construction?

As most of the construction at this point in time is restricted to the site, we foresee the interruptions to be at a minimum level for local residents. However, projects of this nature can still bring about increased traffic, noise, dust and temporary access impacts when required.

You may experience increased on-street parking as access points are closed and parking upgrades are in progress, along Mavros Road in particular. We appreciate your patience and cooperation during construction.

Can I still use Argana Park?

Yes! Areas restricted to the public will be closed off with temporary fencing and properly signed. Most of the sportsgrounds are free to use unless otherwise signed or notified by Council.

Can I park where I usually do in Argana Park?

Due to the construction during this period, you may need to adjust where you usually park or enter. While the netball and soccer club carpark will mostly remain open, accessing the oval might require a slightly longer walk than usual.

This project was supported by the State Government through the Department for Recreation, Sport and Racing.

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