Building in Playford
- Submitting an Application
Submitting an Application
What steps does a Development Application go through before it gets approved?
Depending on the complexity and range of impacts, Development Applications can take many different paths.
As a guide, the assessment process may involve some (or all) of the following processes and can vary depending upon the type of the development.
Development applications are submitted to Council.
From 19 March 2021, all development applications need to be submitted into the state wide ePlanning platform at the PlanSA portal.
To submit a development application online, you will need to create an online account at PlanSA, and upload supporting documents.
If you wish to submit a Development Application in person, you will need to download and complete a hard copy application form, and an electricity declaration form, and supply the required supporting documents. Please be advised that an additional $80 fee applies to hard application development applications.
An initial review of development application to make sure all the required information has been provided to support assessment.
Council has five days to verify a Development Application and make sure all the required information has been provided in support of the application. If required, an applicant may be requested to provide further information. Fees are then added to the application and a fee advice is sent to the primary contact.
Assessment of the application commences once fees have been paid.
Development application is assessed against the policies of the Planning and Design Code.
Planning assessment timeframes will dependent on the type of development you are seeking. These range from 5 business days for Deemed-to-satisfy applications, through to 20 business days for Performance Assessed applications (plus referrals and public notification)
Any referrals to state agencies are undertaken.
Referrals allow for an additional 20 business days to undertake planning assessment.
The way in which the community is informed of a proposed development and how feedback is sought is changing.
Under the new system, a sign may be placed on the land of the proposed development, providing you with the opportunity to have your say.
You can view all applications on public notice at PlanSA Have Your Say.
Public notification allows for an additional 20 business days to undertake planning assessment.
A decision on whether or not to grant planning consent for your development application is made by Council, Council Assessment Panel or the State Commission Assessment Panel.
Development application is assessed against the Building Code of Australia. A decision on whether or not to grant building consent for your development application is made.
From 19 March 2021, all new buildings excluding Class 10 (sheds, carports, verandahs) requires a Certificate of Occupancy.
Following a consistency check, you will be issued with development approval, a decision notification form and approved copies of your plans.
Submitting your Development Application
Since 19 March 2021, the way in which you submit a development application has changed.
You can lodge your Development Application in a number of ways:
Submit your development application through the statewide ePlanning platform at the PlanSA Portal. Applications can be submitted 24/7 and you will be prompted by the system to provide the information required to support your application for development. You will need to create an online account before you get started, which only takes a few minutes.
A hard copy application can be submitted during business hours at 10 Playford Boulevard, Elizabeth. If you choose this option, it is best to have a chat with our duty planner before you submit your application. They will be able to provide you with some guidance to understand the new process, and the information you will need to support your application.
All hard copy applications must be submitted using the new state-wide development application form.
Copies of these forms are available at the PlanSA Portal or by downloading a copy below.
If you submit a development application form in hard copy or by email to Council, please be aware that an additional processing fee will be charged to cover the entry of your application into the ePlanning platform.
For a seamless process of your application, make sure you have any relevant documents attached to your application:
- A site plan drawn to scale
- Elevation plans
- Copy certificate of title
- Schedule of colours and materials
- Details of stormwater
- Further planning information as required
Development Application Fees
Find out more at PlanSA