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Paginton Park

Mofflin Reserve, Trimmer Road, Elizabeth Vale SA, Australia
Date Completed:
30 November 2023
The $4.6M park and recreation development is integral to the Playford Health Precinct.

Completed in January 2024, the $4.6M upgrade of Paginton Park plays an integral role in the Playford Health Precinct, being designed with healthcare workers and hospital visitors in mind given the site’s proximity to the Lyell McEwin Hospital.

The upgrade features a large nature play area, a walking and running loop track, all abilities fitness equipment, a therapeutic garden and climbing elements. Quiet areas for rest and recuperation have also been included in the upgrade to complement nearby health services.

Public toilets, lighting, and on and off-street parking are among the additional elements included following community feedback received in February 2022.

Council received $2M from the State Government’s Open Space Grant Program to support the upgrade of Paginton Park.

Communication Board

You can access a digital copy of Peerless Reserve's communication board. These boards contain symbols and pictures designed for a child to point to communicate with those around them.


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