Arts and Culture
- Live Music and Performance
Live Music and Performance
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Shedley Theatre
The Shedley Theatre plays an integral role in the Playford and northern Adelaide community, home to the Out of the Square Matinee Series, school holiday productions and annual performances from local school and amateur theatre groups.
Recently the Shedley has hosted a vast range of high-profile acts, from comedian Dave Hughes to children's entertainers the Wiggles.
With a capacity to seat 380 people, the theatre boasts a large stage with enormous depth and an orchestra pit which can accommodate a 12-piece band.
Northern Sound System
The Northern Sound System (NSS) uses music to engage with young people, building on the rich musical history of Adelaide’s northern suburbs.
NSS offers services and programs that address skill-building through the accessible platform of music to support the growth and development of youth in our community.
N1 Records is just one of the artist development programs on offer which is committed to supporting and nurturing South Australian talent by providing advice, networking opportunities, resources and funding through its label services. The facility offers a 300-person purpose-built venue, live recording facility, rehearsal space and music and digital training all in the one place.
To discover all the youth programs on offer at the Northern Sound System, visit the website below.
Grenville Players
The Grenville Players is a group of theatre-lovers who were born for the stage. They are turning their passion of performing into an annual program of events, these entertainers wow crowds across a variety of production genres.
For more information on how you can become a Grenville Player contact:
Grenville Hub
6 Playford Boulevard, Elizabeth, 5112, SA
Phone: (08) 8256 0377
Email: grenville@playford.sa.gov.au
Silver Beat Rock Choir
Entertaining Playford crowds, the Silver Beat Rock Choir is a seniors’ song and dance group from the Grenville Hub. Don’t let their average age of 70+ fool you — this rock group adores an enthusiastic crowd as they perform the latest hits, to classic favourites.
The young-at-heart choir continues to hit stages throughout northern Adelaide, and has performed at a number of indoor and outdoor community concerts, including the Adelaide Fringe’s Playford Palace.