Getting Around
- Accessibility
Master Locksmith Access Key
The Master Locksmith Access Key (MLAK) is a national keying system that uses a universal lock and key to enable people living with disability entry to accessible facilities, 24/7.
City of Playford has installed MLAK locks at the following facilities:
- Argana Park Accessible Toilet
- Ridley Reserve Accessible Toilet
- Fremont Park Changing Places facility (includes ceiling hoist and change table)
- Fremont Park Liberty Swing

As of January 2025 the Government of South Australia and the South Australian Companion Card are partnering with the Master Locksmiths Association of Australasia (MLAA) to provide one free Master Locksmith Access Key (MLAK) to Companion Card holders in order to increase access to Changing Places facilities.
Changing Places toilets are secure and private facilities for people with disability who have high support needs and require additional space and assistance to use a bathroom. Changing Places include an adult-size, height adjustable change table, a ceiling tracking hoist, and enough room for two people to assist either side of a central toilet. Changes Places are accessed using an MLAK key.
Each South Australian Companion Card holder is entitled to one free MLAK key. MLAA acknowledges the support of the South Australian Government in this initiative. Order here: MLAK order form for South Australian Companion Card holders
Keys can also be purchased for approximately $25 from a Master Locksmith or completing an MLAK order form and posting to the MLAK National Support Office via email or post (details on form).
Local Master Locksmiths include:
- Salisbury Locksmiths: 8349 0890, 903 Main North Road, Pooraka SA 5095
- email: info@salisburylocksmiths.com.au, website link below
- Angle Vale Locksmiths: 8284 7001, 2 Ivy Way, Angle Vale, SA 5117
- email: anglevalelocksmiths@gmail.com, website link below
If a community member needs immediate access to an MLAK accessible facility and doesn’t have their own MLAK yet, a key can be hired for a 24 hour period from:
- Playford Civic Centre Customer Contact Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
- Elizabeth Aquadome Saturday and Sunday 9am-2pm
Please refer to the National Public Toilet Map information below for a comprehensive list of public amenities,
For more information about MLAK phone 1800 819 775 or visit masterlocksmiths.com.au/mlak/
Public Toilet Map
The National Public Toilet Map lists accessible public amenities, including those found in the City of Playford. This site provides information on the location, opening hours and accessibility of over 14,000 amenities across Australia. This is also available as a free app for download.
Playspace Communication Board
City of Playford has partnered with Two Way Street to develop a Playground Chat Communication Board at Fremont Park to make communication more accessible at the playground for people who have difficulty communicating their message with speech. This could include a person with a communication disability, a small child, or someone who speaks a different language to their peers. You can find more information about Fremont Park in the link below.
We have made the PDF version of this Communication Board available for download here. Some of the symbols are specific to the Fremont Park playspace, but we encourage you to use the symbols and langauge about outside play at any of our playspaces.
Two Way Street have written a great article that explains more about communication boards, who they are for and how to use them. See link below.
Disability Discrimination Act Compliant Bus Stops
In an effort to be a city which is accessible for all, City of Playford is committed to upgrading all bus stops in our region to be Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) compliant.
We are changing some infrastructure to bus stops, this way wheelchairs can board and exit buses smoothly, while adding clear signage and tactile ground surface indicators to assist the vision-impaired.
We are pleased to report that, as at July 2018, we are roughly 80% of the way through upgrading our bus stop infrastructure to meet DDA compliance, and are well on track to hit our target of 100% before 2022.
BlueBays parking app
The South Australian Government through the Department of Human Services (DHS) has developed a free mobile-friendly database to help people with disability locate accessible parking spaces across the City of Playford and around South Australia.
You can search for accessible parking spaces by postcode or address, and get descriptions of accessible spaces, including if they are metered.
Companion Card
City of Playford is a Companion Card affiliate organisation, which means that people with a disability who are holders of a Companion Card are entitled to two-for-one entry to Council-run events when accompanied by a carer.