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APPLY NOW - grants of up to $5000

APPLY NOW - grants of up to $5000
Published 27 May 2022
Local non-profit organisations and sporting clubs are encouraged to apply.

The Community Development and Event Grants are now open for local sporting clubs and non-profit organisations to apply.

Grants of up to $5,000 will be available to support specific projects and community events (scheduled after 31 October 2022).

In the program’s last round, Council provided more than $46,000 to 11 non-profit organisations including Cos We Care.

Cos We Care is a non-profit organisation which provides food and other essentials every Saturday morning at Fremont Park. A grant from Council allowed them to fit out a new vehicle.

Suzzanne Bucany (pictured) also received $5000 to help fill the ‘period poverty’ gap affecting young girls.

“Although successful national projects make sanitary items available in high schools, it's rare for these programs to cover primary schools,” she said.

Project Ladies Business provides local primary schools with packages containing sanitary items and a heartfelt letter inside handmade colourful pouches.

The new round of Community Development and Events Grant Program is now open for applications, closing on Friday 8 July 2022.

Local groups are invited to apply for up to $5000 for community projects, activities and events.

Council’s Grant Officer Karen Leithboro is more than happy to support groups and individuals with their applications – call 8256 0230 or email

Karen is available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and on Fridays while the grants are open.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to read the guidelines and eligibility criteria before applying.

Apply now

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