- City of Playford recognised for leadership excellence
In the ‘Excellence in Local Economic Development’ award category, City of Playford took out the winning place for its Stimulating Defence Industry Growth Strategy. This strategy has seen City of Playford take on an advocacy, facilitation and active role in setting up Playford to take on nation-shaping defence projects.
As a result of this Strategy, City of Playford worked with state government to successfully advocate for South Australia’s high-tech aircraft deep maintenance facility to be located within Playford, allowing for aircraft to be maintained locally, creating hundreds of jobs.
This Strategy has also seen Council foster collaboration, initiating the Edinburgh Industry Alliance providing a platform for local businesses with defence industry needs to work together to attract and bid for large defence projects.
Profile raising has also been a key element of the Stimulating Defence Industry Growth Strategy which has seen City of Playford deliver an annual defence industry day opening new channels of communication between Council, decision makers in industry and government.
City of Playford’s Everyday Money Skills program won in the ‘Leadership in Community Services’ category. The program, the first to be developed by a South Australian Council, was co-designed with members of the Playford Friends group who live with an intellectual disability with the program also applicable to people from culturally diverse backgrounds, young people or people who have low literacy levels.
Everyday Money Skills uses videos, games and activities to replicate real life scenarios including checking change, avoiding scams, spending needs versus wants, shopping do’s and don’ts and different ways to save.
More than 1,400 users have participated in the program since its launch, with participants demonstrating increased confidence, independence and empowerment when using money in everyday life.
City of Playford Chief Executive Officer, Sam Green said he was proud to see Playford win these awards and the flow on effects reaching the community.
“It is pleasing to see City of Playford formally recognised within the local government sector, highlighting the commitment Council has to the community.
“This commitment can be seen in the long-term economic initiatives being progressed by Council as well as the on the ground work that is making an immediate difference to the lives of those in our community, “ said Mr Green.

Stimulating Defence Industry Growth Strategy Initiatives completed from this Strategy have included: Working directly with state government to successfully pitch for the construction of a $160 million high-tech aircraft deep maintenance facility alongside RAAF Base Edinburgh.
This facility will support Australian capability allowing aircraft to be maintained locally, creating over 400 employment opportunities.
Construction of the new facility is expected to start by mid-2023 and be fully operational by 2025.
Facilitating the development of the Edinburgh Industry Alliance, bringing together nine local businesses with a combined 1,500 staff – enabling them to offer the increased capability required to bid for major defence projects.
Developing an annual defence industry day that has fostered connections between local businesses and attracted the attention of global defence firms.
This is the first time a local government has proactively delivered such an event with 151 people attending the first industry day in 2021 and over 250 people attending the subsequent event in 2022. This year’s event is set to take place in November.
For more information about the defence sector in the City of Playford please visit: Defence · City of Playford
Everyday Money skills
This is a free online training program developed to support residents who live with disability (about 8% of the Playford population) to learn foundational money skills including budgeting, recognising and protecting money.
More information on the Everyday Money Skills program can be found at Everyday Money Skills · City of Playford