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BUSINESS: Evaluate your export opportunities

BUSINESS: Evaluate your export opportunities
Published 2 October 2019
The City of Playford is home to a thriving business community, with an abundance of untapped export opportunities. Find out how businesses can tap into resources to move your business forward.

For businesses interested in evaluating their export opportunities Ariane Towse, Austrade’s export advisor for northern Adelaide, is a valuable resource.

Ariane is based at the Stretton Centre, the City of Playford’s economic development hub, every Wednesday and Thursday, providing support to local businesses.

“I am passionate about international business and ensuring that SA companies are fully prepared and ready to achieve sustainable success in international markets,” Ariane said.

“Export is not for every company, it is a long-term commitment requiring time and investment. You need to be ready for it.”

Ariane manages a portfolio of more than 200 export-ready businesses, working closely with client companies in sectors as diverse as advanced manufacturing, horticulture, food and beverage, defence and health.

Typically, Ariane advises clients across several areas of export, including but not limited to, new market entry, partner selection, international strategy and export grants.

For the businesses in the City of Playford Ariane is also the first point of call and main conduit into Austrade’s international offices and services.

The next round of the South Australia Export Accelerator grant is now open, closing on 1 November.

The grant offers businesses at any stage of their export journey with matched funding to support marketing activities.

If you’re interested in discussing your export opportunities, contact Ariane (0435 962 688 or email).

South Australia Export Accelerator grant now open

The South Australia Export Accelerator (SAEA) grant is a financial assistance program for South Australian businesses seeking to expand into international markets.

Administrated by the Department for Trade, Tourism and Investment, SAEA provides funding support to you at each stage of your export journey.

Whether you are an emerging, current or mature exporter.

The SAEA can provide matched funding for marketing activities such as market research, e-commerce development, export training and consulting and participation in tradeshows and businesses missions, to name a few.

Applications for the SAEA open on Tuesday, 1 October and close on Friday, 1 November.

Learn more

Business support at the Stretton Centre

The team at the Stretton Centre provides business support services, including mentoring, training, professional development, access to grants and networking opportunities that help businesses to grow and create local jobs.

If you’re considering applying for the South Australian Export Accelerator grant, the Stretton Centre’s Business Support Co-ordinators can provide advice on your export opportunities and assistance with your grant application.

The Stretton Centre is located at 307 Peachey Road, Munno Para.

Contact the team on 8254 4666 or email.

Visit the Stretton Centre website.

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