- Looking towards the future.
During the development of our Strategic Plan in 2020, our community told us they wanted to focus on their foundational needs which means addressing the things that impact their everyday lives, from having safe roads, well presented neighbourhoods and local employment opportunities, to a Council that talks to them more and uses their money wisely. Council is confident the 2021/22 Annual Business Plan and Budget is a strong step forward to achieving just that.
The Annual Business Plan and Budget showcases the outcomes we as a Council will achieve during the next financial year, 2021/22.
Our expenditure budget is $110M, most of which supports the delivery of existing services such as our community centres and programs; city maintenance; waste and recycling; public health, regulatory and environmental services; and local business support.
We will spend over $21.9M of our capital budget on renewing or replacing existing assets such as kerbs, footpaths, roads and recreational and sporting facilities. Check out the map below for a snapshot of these projects and initiatives.
Council has achieved a sustainable operating surplus since 2019/20, which means we are not spending more than we receive, and we have maintained this for 2021/22, despite the social and economic challenges faced throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The positive impact of operating surpluses over the last few years have accumulated to help reduce Council’s overall debt in 2021/22.
You can also access Council’s Annual Business Plan and Budget 2021/22 by visiting playford.sa.gov.au/annualbusinessplan