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Our service: New kind of normal (21 August 2020)

Our service: New kind of normal (21 August 2020)
Published 21 August 2020
Learn about some exciting new programs starting in September and how you can take advantage of our community development grants.

Come along and try a variety of sport and recreation activities for free through your local sporting clubs– hopefully you’ll find something you love!

Growing for Gold is in all-inclusive program, suitable for young people aged 3-16 of all skill levels and abilities.

Held from Saturday, 26 September to 25, October, registration opens on Monday, 24 August.

Growing for Gold is brought to you by the City of Salisbury, City of Port Adelaide Enfield and City of Playford.

Growing for Gold

Mental Health and Wellness program

In September we're getting a head start on Mental Health week with a series of Mental Health and Wellness BBQ's.

Join us for a BBQ lunch and a chat while exploring strategies to strengthen your mental resilience and wellness within a small group.

Skylight and Feros Care will showcase mental health services available to you in northern Adelaide and how you can connect with them.

Bookings are essential, for further information please contact Cyndi on 0481 916 496 or Mike on 0401 709 173.

Mental Health and Wellbeing BBQ:

  • Friday, 4 September and Friday, 11 September from 11am-2pm
  • Location: The Precinct, 112 Conventry Road, Smithfield Plains 5114
  • Registrations open now

Mental Health and Wellness Art Workshop:

  • Friday, 18 September from 11am-2pm
  • Location: Marni Waeindi, 83 Ridley Road, Elizabeth South 5112
  • Registrations opening soon.

During these sessions we will be discussing sensitive topics which may trigger memories of previous trauma. We have safe spaces available if you require a break, and qualified counsellors available to provide you support.

Considering retirement?

Join the Grenville Hub in September for a three-part program for people who are approaching retirement, or have recently retired, to support their transition into retirement.

Over three peer-led, small group sessions you will recieve tools to assist you design the next phase of your life - retirement!

Sessions will be held at the Grenville Hub between 9:30am -12:30pm on:

  • Friday, 4 September
  • Friday, 11 September
  • Friday, 18 September

To register, or for any questions please contact Sue on 8256 0377 or Sian on 0468 587 344.

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JP Service resumes

Playford Library's Justice of the Peach services has resumed at both the Playford Civic Centre and Stretton Centre libraries.

A friendly reminder when using the JP service to:

  • Continue 1.5m social distancing
  • Make use of the hand sanitiser stations available
  • If you feel unwell or have cold/flu symptoms please stay home and visit us when you feel better
  • Contact the library before you visit to ensure our JP service is available - this is a voluntary service
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Paul is just one volunteer who supports the City of Playford's JP service at the Stretton Centre Playford Library.

Community development grants

Community development and event grants are still open to offer financial support to non-profit community organisations, local groups and associations.

So if you have am idea or project that:

πŸ‘‰ Activates community spaces

πŸ‘‰ Delivers innovative, creative or new opportunities for the Playford community

πŸ‘‰ Encourages and supports Arts, Cultural Development, physical activity, health and well-being

πŸ‘‰ Demonstrates collaboration between organisations and the local community

πŸ‘‰ Develops and initiates locally based events, exhibitions and/or performances open to the whole community

Applications close at 5pm on Friday, 28 August 2020.

Apply today at:

COP Aug1583
Community Development Grants

Engaged Community

Thank you to our community who joined the conversation to tell us what its top three priorities were over the next four years.

We received thousands of ideas that will help shape our draft Strategic Plan, which will be out for consultation November 2020.

Continue to be part of the conversation and join other community engagement opportunities at

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