- Our Services: New kind of normal (15 May)
Message from the Mayor
Council Services & Facilities Update
The SA Government recently announced the roadmap for easing restrictions relative to COVID-19. Step 1 of this road map impacts our libraries, community centres/halls and facilities.
While we are excited about this news, we still need to deliver our services safely and comply with social distancing and maximum gathering restrictions.
We’ve made the following changes to services and more detailed information is available on the public notices page of our website here: https://www.playford.sa.gov.au/live/around-me/public-notices
It is important you are aware that any facilities re-opening will have a limit of 10 people inside at one time. Some of these facilities will also ask you to book ahead. So we encourage you to read the information we provide carefully before you drop by as not to be disappointed.
Community Centres
- Playford Library – are back open as of today with a 15 minute browse and borrow time. A 10 person limit applies.
- Playford Grenville Hub – from 25 May, we’ll be offering Playford Connected as the only face to face service at the Grenville Centre. Community members will need to book. A 10 person limit applies. All other Grenville services such as meal delivery, wellbeing calls and home assist services will remain the same.
- Elizabeth Rise Community Centre - will open for structured interactions. A 10 person limit applies.
- Northern Sound System – from 18 May, rehearsal and recording spaces will be open for bookings. A 10 person limit applies.
- Healthy Food Co at Playford – The Precinct will continue their ‘click and collect’ service.
- Stretton Centre Venue Hire & Uley Road Hall – Will remain closed until 8 June.
- Marni Waiendi – is expected to open 1 June.
Sport & Community Clubs
- John McVeity Centre - will remain closed until 8 June and reviewed during Step 2 of the easing of restrictions
- Aquadome – will remain closed as they work through the impacts of restrictions.
- Sporting clubs will be opened for toilet use only and to hold club meetings of less than 10 people. Sport fields are open for use for outdoor training but need to follow SA Government requirements and their association guidelines.
We must remain a caring community and look after each other during these tough times. Be kind to each other. We are in this together.
Tried & Tested with Elizabeth Rise
This week's episode of Tried & Tested Kate catches up with the coordinators of the Elizabeth Rise to celebrate Community Centres Week.
She learns all about the online programs the Centre has been providing for their community during isolation.
The Elizabeth Rise Community Centre will open shortly for structured interactions to keep you and the community safe.
Keep up to date with all the latest information or tune into the Centre's live programs by following its Facebook page.
TRIED & TESTED: Elizabeth Rise Community CentreThis week's episode of Tried & Tested Kate catches up with the coordinators of the Elizabeth Rise to celebrate Community Centres Week.She learns all about the online programs the Centre has been providing for their community during isolation.The Elizabeth Rise Community Centre will open shortly for structured interactions to keep you and the community safe.Keep up to date with all the latest information or tune into the Centre's live programs by following its Facebook page.
Posted by City of Playford on Thursday, 14 May 2020
Tried & Tested with Elizabeth Rise
Playford Connected
In response to the temporary closure of community centres and groups Playford Connected was established.
Playford Connected ‘checks in’ via phone with some of the most vulnerable people in our community to ensure they receive continued connections and engagement to reduce the risk of social isolation.
Since its establishment on 31 March - 14 May, 1158 phone calls have been made to 797 community members.
Ensuring the health and wellbeing of our community is important to us. If live in Playford and would like to talk to someone, reach out to Playford Connected on 8256 0377.

Grenville Hub Construction Update
Construction of the new Grenville Hub in the heart of the CBD will provide a range of services promoting lifelong learning, physical activity, healthy living and social connections.
The construction works are really coming along now, and the following key steps have occurred to date:
· Concrete footings poured and services installed
· Lift wells erected
· Structural steelwork erected
· 1st floor concrete floor poured
Next key step:
· Installation of roof and wall cladding
Expected completion October 2020

Playford Library reopens
This week our Library team was excited to reopen their doors at the Civic Centre and Stretton Centre.
For the first week our libraries are open from 9am - 5pm, Wednesday - Friday and they will resume normal business hours from Monday, 18 May.
The team are excited to welcome you back, however before you drop by there are few things you need to know to keep you, our staff and the rest of our community safe:
- Numbers will be limited to 10 people in the library at one time
- There will be a 15 minute browse and borrow time
- 1.5 metre social distancing needs to be practised
- Computer services will remain unavailable until further notice
- Photocopying service will be available
- Online programming will continue
- Remember our libraries have wonderful resources available online, which you can access here
These new guidelines are new to us and our team, we ask you to be kind and patient while we find our feet.
For more information on how we are responding to COVID-19, please go to our Public Notices page.

National Volunteer Week
Join us as we celebrate the generous contribution of volunteers to Playford as part of National Volunteer Week from Monday, 18 - Sunday, 24 May.
We will be colouring our Facebook and Instagram accounts red and celebrating our volunteers throughout the week. Follow our Facebook and Instagram pages so you don’t miss out.