- Our services: New kind of normal (2 October 2020)
Have your say: Disability Accessibility & Inclusion Plan
We need your help to create a more inclusive and accessible Playford.
In June you provided input that has helped us to develop our draft Disability, Accessibility and Inclusion Plan (DAIP). We are now seeking your feedback on our DAIP and the actions within before we finalise the plan.
Our DAIP is updated every four years and plays a critical role in ensuring people with a disability can engage in community life with accessible services, facilities, events, communications and employment.
If you have a personal, family or professional experience with disability, we want to hear from you!
Consultation closes on Sunday, 25 October 2020.

Playford's Australia Day Awards 2021
It’s time to recognise the outstanding achievements of our community members and local champions.
We know there are so many of you out there who make the City of Playford a great place to live, work and play.
Show your friend, family member, colleague, local community group or sports club just how much they mean to you by nominating them for one of our awards.
Nomination forms must be submitted by 5pm Friday, 20 November 2020.
To learn more or access a nomination form, view the links below.

Splish splash!
Some things happen in our community which mark the changing of the season every year, and the Playford Alive Town Park Water Play Feature starting up means the warm weather is on the way and Daylight Saving has commenced!
The water play feature will be operational from Sunday 4 October, from 10am til 7pm daily and will run throughout daylight saving until April 2021.
Make sure you and the kids are sun safe! For more info about the park, follow the link.
Daylight Saving - spring into action
Daylight Saving is a favourite time of the year for so many - the days are longer and warmer, and by rising an hour earlier we can make the most of the sunshine.
What better way to put that 'extra' precious hour to good use than by spring cleaning. Follow the link below to find out some tips and council services to help you get your house in order!
**Clocks go forward one hour on Sunday, 4 October.
Parvo Alert
Unfortunately we've had a few cases of Parvovirus reported in Playford over the last week, so this is a heads up for all of our dog owners in the community.
Parvovirus is a serious and deadly virus that affects dogs. It is unfortunately seen every year in the Northern suburbs. We encourage you to take precautions as soon as possible.
The best protection is vaccination. Don’t wait until it’s too late – even if your dog stays in your yard it is still at risk.
- Parvovirus is transmitted from one dog to another via infected dog poo.
- As infected dogs can have diarrhoea, anywhere they go should be considered contaminated
- You can bring the virus home simply by walking where a sick dog has been and getting the virus on your shoes
- Puppies need a series of vaccinations to develop full immunity
- Adult dogs require regular vaccinations to maintain immunity