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- Aboriginal Students Ace Trophy Design for City of Playford Tennis InternationalPublished 21 September 2023Students from Playford International College have been busy showcasing their creative skills, after a group of eight Aboriginal students took to the challenge of developing two trophies to be presented to the women’s and men’s winners of the 2023 City of Playford Tennis International.Read full article
- Fremont Park upgrade set to open this weekPublished 19 September 2023An upgrade to the eastern portion of Fremont Park will open this Thursday (21 September), expanding the popular green space located within the Elizabeth CBD.Read full article
- Footpaths renewed in Playford’s established suburbsPublished 19 September 2023Nearly six kilometres of footpaths have been renewed across City of Playford over the last three months, as part of Council’s broader program to improve pedestrian access citywide.Read full article
- Over 150 Playford residents become Aussies this Australian Citizenship DayPublished 18 September 2023Over 150 Playford residents were conferred at a double citizenship ceremony, hosted by the City of Playford on Sunday 17 September 2023, the day of Australian Citizenship Day.Read full article
- Final stage of Angle Vale Community Sports Centre deliveredPublished 15 September 2023The final stage of the upgrade of Angle Vale Community Sports Centre is now complete and concludes an on-over decade long investment in sporting infrastructure for the local community.Read full article
- CnVRg young mindsPublished 14 September 2023Students from Elizabeth Downs Primary School and Playford International College have joined forces to develop a virtual reality experience known as the CnVRg project.Read full article
- Golden Girls re-invent retirementPublished 8 September 2023Located in the heart of the Playford Health & Wellbeing Precinct, the 96-place Healthia development supports residents to have more choice and engagement in everyday living.Read full article
- Central United football and cricket club grow for goldPublished 7 September 2023Growing for Gold is back with a host of free come and try events happening throughout the October school holidays at local sporting clubs.Read full article
- Discounted shade trees to help increase tree canopy on private landPublished 7 September 2023City of Playford’s Shade Tree Subsidy is back for a second year giving residents an opportunity to purchase a shady tree at a discounted price.Read full article
- Upgrade of Heaslip Road completePublished 6 September 2023An upgrade of Heaslip Road has improved access and amenity at Angle Vale, with the upgraded road re-opening to traffic last month.Read full article
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