- Putting the play in Playford
We know that people experience increased wellbeing when they spend time outside in spaces that look and feel nice. As part of Council’s commitment to building an active and connected community, this year we plan to build new parks, renew existing reserves and revamp recreation infrastructure all over the city.
From a brand new neighbourhood park in Munno Para West to new toilets at Blake’s Crossing, two new dog parks at Fremont Park, right through to irrigation upgrades for grassed areas, the investment in play spaces will help more people access outdoor spaces across the city.
On the list for 2022/23
- Redevelopment of Gould Road and Dwight Reserves, Elizabeth Park
- Revamp of Pete Smith Reserve, Davoren Park
- A new public toilet at Blakes Crossing, Blakeview and California Reserve, Craigmore
- Upgrades to Virgo Street Reserve, Elizabeth South and Barrow Street Reserve, Elizabeth Vale
- A new neighbourhood park at Munno Para West
- Stage 3 of the Fremont Park, Elizabeth Park which includes a new dog park, car park and additional greening
- An extended recreational area at Angle Vale Community Sports Centre with a BMX track, playground and public toilets
- Revitalisation of Virginia Institute playground as part of the Virginia Main Street upgrade
- Upgrade of Mofflin Reserve in Elizabeth Vale with new playspaces, BBQ areas, raised garden beds and tree planting
- BBQs, picnic settings, shade sails, softfall and irrigation upgrades at reserves throughout the city
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