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Skate park street art

Skate park street art
Published 26 March 2019
Street artist Seb Humphreys creates a captivating mural feature at Northern Sound System's Skate Park to wrap up Fringe festivities in Playford.

It's an Alley-oop for Adelaide-based Street Artist, Seb Humphreys, who has breathed new life into a local skate park to wrap up Adelaide Fringe festivities in Playford.

Humphreys' has created a captivating piece featuring his unique flare technique at Northern Sound System.

"I hope it will have a positive community response, be it a sense of exhilaration or motion, or anticipation, or connection," Seb said.

Throughout the project, the professional artist has mentored local emerging artist, Christian Schaaf, who has found the experience inspirational.

"Just connecting with Seb has really opened my mind. I feel like I worked to another level, I’ve broken through that barrier," Christian said.

The art duo agreed that public art was an opportunity to reach and engage more people within the community.

"It really just beautifies the area, creates another positive feeling when you are working and living in this area seeing colourful art being expressed," Christian said.

"To make a complete artwork out of our spaces as human beings would be the ultimate goal of that, so let’s get busy," Seb added.

To check out the latest addition to Playford's ever-growing public art collection visit the Northern Sound System, 73 Elizabeth Way, Elizabeth.

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