- We are here newsbite (30 October 2020)
Give the Gift of Reading
Share your love of reading with someone in need this Christmas by donating a new book to the Playford Library service's Give the Gift of Reading initiative.
Donated books will be collected and distributed by Anglicare SA within their Christmas Hampers.
How to get involved:
- Collect a gift tag from one of our Christmas trees at the Playford Civic Centre or Stretton Centre Libraries
- Purchase a new book for a child, teenager or adult
- Drop it off at the Playford Library with your gift tag filled in to be in the draw to WIN one of three QBD bookstore vouchers
- Books will be donated to Anglicare once the initiative closes on Tuesday, 15 December 2020
- Anglicare will distribute the books to the local community in their Christmas hampers
Donations open on Monday, 2 November and close on Tuesday, 15 December.
Gift tag donation competition terms and conditions can be located here.

Register for the Garage Sale Trail
This year it's 'Garage Sale Trail, the Covid-19 Recovery Edition.' Dedicated to helping you make or save some money - just in time for Christmas!
This year the country's biggest weekend of garage sales is happening on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 November 2020 and with new ways to get involved both online and in the real world, you can take part no matter what restrictions are in place. You'll divert valuable resources from landfill and make some money in the process.
If you, like us, have been busy using all this stay at home time to declutter, what better year could there be to have a garage sale online or in your community? You decide what you do with the proceeds of your garage sale and you get heaps of support to be successful and stay safe on the Trail too.
Registrations to host a sale open in mid September. It's free and anyone can do it, whether you’re a household, community group, a whole street, school or even a local business.
You get your own sale listing or webpage and promotional materials to help make your garage sale a success.

Australia Day Awards
There is still have time to acknowledge a family member, neighbour or friend who inspires you, and goes above and beyond supporting the Playford community.
Or maybe it's a community group or sports club that demonstrates great commitment to our community.
Nominations must be submitted by 5pm on Friday, 20 November 2020.

Super Stop Ready to Go
As part of the on-going Health Precinct development and expansion, Council worked with the Department of Planning, Traffic and Infrastructure (DPTI) and SA Health to install a new ‘super stop’ bus shelter and laydown area (where the buses stop) at the Lyell McEwin Hospital on Haydown Road (54B Westside).
The new bus shelter includes:
- A large under cover area in bus shelter/bus pad for visitors and hospital staff
- Solar lighting
- Seating
- Tactile ground surface indicators- to help people with vision impairment navigate the space
Playford’s new shelter is now complete and open for use, and we thank all of you for your patience with the works, especially if you had to relocate to another stop during the two months of works.

New Employee at NAWMA
In April of this year, NAWMA introduced a new ‘staff member’ to its Material Recovery Facility (MRF) sort line. MAX-AI-AQC is an autonomous quality control robot that uses artificial intelligence to identify and recover plastics and fibre.
Working alongside MRF staff, the robot enhances the recovery of reusable materials in readiness for secondary reprocessing. Through ‘deep learning technology’ it employs both multi-layered neural networks and a vision system to identify and see objects in a similar way that humans do. It has the capability to pick 60 units per minute.
Partial funding for the robot was secured through a $500,000 grant from Green Industries SA’s Infrastructure Investment Grants in February 2019. Current estimates based on the robot’s performance to date, indicate that it should be able to recover around 1,200 tonnes of recyclables per annum, which would have otherwise been lost to landfill.
CFS Bushfire Preparation Meeting
If you live in or near One Tree Hill, this meeting could save your life!
November 25
6pm to 8pm
McGilp Recreation Centre
27 McGilp Road, One Tree Hill
This Bushfire Ready Meeting provides detailed information on One Tree Hill area bushfire risk, bushfire behaviour, how you can protect your home and property, personal safety and bushfire survival planning.
BBQ provided by City of Playford from 6pm.
Bookings are essential for this free presentation.