- Argana Park
Argana Park
- Accessible Carparks
- Bin
- Cricket Nets
- Cricket Oval
- Drinking Fountain
- Football Oval
- Netball Courts
- Off-Street Car Parking
- Park Bench
- Picnic Table
- Playground
- Shelter
- Soccer Pitch
- Toilets
- Accessible Toilet (MLAK Key)
- Where:
- 96 Mavros Road, Elizabeth Downs
- Playground equipment:
- Climbing, Rubber Soft-Fall, Seesaw or Rocker, Slide, Spinner, Swings
- Playground suitability:
- 0-3 years, 3-5 years, 5-12 years, 12+ years
- Dog suitability:
- On-Leash (with exceptions)

Argana Park is home to a number of sporting clubs, including the Elizabeth Downs Soccer Club, the Elizabeth Football Club, the Elizabeth Netball Association and the Craigmore Cricket Club.
During the winter sport season the reserve accommodates two football ovals and five soccer pitches. Across summer there are three cricket ovals including both turf and hard wicket.
The Elizabeth Netball Association is the headquarters of netball in Playford, featuring 22 courts.
Outside facilities such as the cricket nets, netball courts and sports fields are available for public use, however priority access is given to official club training and competition, or for groups with a temporary permit.
An accessible toilet can be accessed with an MLAK Key. More information can be found here.
Sporting Facilities
Parks Nearby
- Burdell Reserve
- Bin
- Exercise Area or Gym Equipment
- Gravel Paths
- Lights
- Park Bench
- Picnic Table
- Playground
- Where:
- Cnr Burdell Street and Flower Street, Elizabeth Downs, SA, 5113
- Playground equipment:
- Climbing, Flying Fox, Monkey Bars, Seesaw or Rocker, Slide, Swings, Tic-Tac-Toe
- Playground suitability:
- 0-3 years, 3-5 years, 5-12 years
- Dog suitability:
- On-Leash
- Bedchester Reserve
- Park Bench
- Playground
- Where:
- Cnr Bedchester Road and Ashley Street, Elizabeth North, SA, 5113
- Playground equipment:
- Climbing, Rubber Soft-Fall, Seesaw or Rocker, Slide, Swings
- Playground suitability:
- 0-3 years, 3-5 years, 5-12 years
- Dog suitability:
- On-Leash
- Broadmeadows Reserve
- Accessible Carparks
- Baseball Pitch
- Bin
- Grassed Play Area
- Off-Street Car Parking
- Park Bench
- Picnic Table
- Playground
- Shelter
- Where:
- 10 Casterley Rd, Elizabeth North SA 5113, Australia
- Playground equipment:
- Balance Beam, Climbing, Fenced Play Area, Monkey Bars, Rubber Soft-Fall, Seesaw or Rocker, Slide, Swings
- Playground suitability:
- 0-3 years, 3-5 years, 5-12 years
- Dog suitability:
- On-Leash
- Gould Reserve
- Bin
- Grassed Play Area
- Paved Path
- Shelter
- Nature Play
- Where:
- Located on Gould Road Elziabeth Park
- Playground equipment:
- Climbing, Monkey Bars, Slide, Swings
- Dog suitability:
- On-Leash