- Trivia Night
Trivia Night
- When:
- Friday 22nd November at 7:00pm - 10:00pm
- Where:
- Northern Sound System
- Topic:
- Fun and Entertainment, Games
- Audience:
- Youth
- Cost:
- Free
- Bookings:
- Required
- Contacts:
- Name: Nina Swinkels
- Business / Organisation Name: City of Playford
- Telephone: 08 8255 5560
- Email: NSwinkels@playford.sa.gov.au
Are you a trivia tragic aged 15 to 25?
Time to dust off the brain cells!
Come along as a team or join one of ours for:
* Great prizes
* Free snacks and drinks
* FREE entry
IMPORTANT: To book yourself or your team in, call or email Nina on 8255 5560 or NSwinkels@playofrd.sa.gov.au
Northern Sound System
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- Tue 18th Mar at 10:00am - 11:00am
- Where:
- Playford Civic Centre Library
- Cost:
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