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Immunisation Services

Council does not offer Covid-19 vaccines through our immunisation services.

Influenza vaccines are now available at the community clinics 'Book ahead online'

Community Immunisation Clinics

The City of Playford has three public clinics

Mondays 9:30am to 12:30pm (closed on public holidays)
GP Plus Healthcare Elizabeth - 16 Playford Blvd, Elizabeth
Thursdays 3:00pm to 7:00pm
John McVeity Centre - 182 Peachey Road, Smithfield Plains
Last Thursday of the Month - 9.30am to 11.30am
Virginia Institute - 19 Old Port Wakefield Road, Virginia

Book ahead online

Book an immunisation appointment

Playford is using a digital immunisation management platform, to improve our service delivery.

What do I need to bring to an immunisation clinic?

Please remember to bring yours or your child's Medicare Card when coming to the clinic (all data gets uploaded to Medicare Register)

For children under the age of seven, please bring along your 'blue baby book'.

Why should you get immunised?

Fighting against harmful diseases has been made much easier thanks to the advances of vaccines.

Immunisation is a simple, safe and effective way to protect our society from diseases that cause serious health issues, and even fatalities. The more people who are vaccinated, the less opportunity diseases have to spread.

Further information: SA Health Immunisation Information

How do I get my immunisation records/history?

You can get your immunisation history statement using either

  • Your Medicare online account through myGov
  • Medicare mobile app.

You can also call the Australian Immunisation Register (1800 653 809) and ask them to send your immunisation history statement to you. It can take up to 14 days to arrive in the post.

Protecting yourself from the flu

You can purchase a flu vaccine from our immunisation team.

Protect yourself and your family by getting an influenza vaccination – the more people that have the vaccine, the less opportunity there is for influenza to spread.

The flu vaccination is available for purchase with EFTPOS facilities available.

For further information, contact the immunisation team on 0421 619 848 or

School Immunisation Programs


Your child must be enrolled in Year 7 and 10 to receive the free vaccines under the program – home-schooled children are also eligible to receive the vaccinations.

Vaccines for 2025

Year 7:

  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
  • Diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine.

Year 10:

  • Meningococcal ACWY vaccine
  • Meningococcal B vaccine

Absent Students

If a parent/guardian has provided digital consent for their child and they were absent on the day of immunisation, a email will be sent providing details of alternative clinic dates and times.

SA Health - School Immunisation Progran

New arrivals and refugees

City of Playford is one of only two councils that deliver immunisations for newly arrived refugees.

New arrivals to Australia may not be fully immunised in line with the National Immunisation Program, which sets out vaccines from birth to adolescence. This places new arrivals and the community at risk of some vaccine preventable diseases.

The new arrivals program is available at both Playford clinics.

Currently-Funded Immunisation Programs

Vaccines through the school program are free of charge under the National Immunisation Program. Council’s fully trained and qualified vaccination team visits all high schools within the City of Playford to deliver the program.

We go out to businesses and workplaces

From April to December each year, arrangements can be made for our immunisation nurses to attend your workplace or business to provide vaccinations for a scheduled fee.

To book a worksite vaccination clinic please contact the Immunisation Team

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