- Terms and Conditions: Positive Futures 2025 - Stallholder permit
Terms and Conditions: Positive Futures 2025 - Stallholder permit
General Conditions of Permit
- The permit holder agrees to indemnify and to keep indemnified the Council, its servants and agents and each of them from and against all actions, costs, claims, damages, charges and expenses whatsoever which may be brought or made or claimed against them or any of them arising out of or in relation to the issuing of the permit.
- The permit holder shall take out and keep current a public risk insurance policy in the name of the permit holder insuring the permit holder for the minimum sum of ten million dollars ($10,000,000) against all actions, costs, claims, damages, charges and expenses whatsoever which may be brought or made or claimed against the permit holder in relation to the activity.
- The permit holder must provide confirmation of insurance to the Council. Such policy shall bear the endorsement of the Insurer indicating the Insurer accepts the indemnity given by the permit holder.
- The permit holder, where appropriate, shall ensure that it is licensed or registered to carry out the activity authorised by the issuing of this permit.
- The permit is not transferable.
- The permit holder shall comply with and give all notices required by any Act of Parliament, Ordinance, Regulation or By-law relating to the activity.
- No food or beverages will be offered for sale by any permit holder without the prior approval of the Council
1. The permit holder shall complete a Food Premises Notification Form www.playford.sa.gov.au/live/around-me/food-safety/food- business-notification-application-form
or a hard copy can be found here cdn.playford.sa.gov.au/general-downloads/Forms/CS-HERS_1810_FoodPremisesNotificationForm-Editable-FormV2.pdf
and returned to Council’s Environmental Health Department here eho@playford.sa.gov.au. If food is to be offered or sold at the stall. As per Section 86 of the Food Act 2001.
- No music system or amplified sound to be used by any permit holder without the prior approval of the Council.
- Stalls and exhibitors sites will be allocated by the Council and no allocated sites may be altered without the approval of the Council
- The permit holder shall ensure that its site or sites are left in a clean and tidy condition at the end of the event. Failure to do so may result in cleaning fees being charged.
- The use of power by permit holders shall not exceed that agreed to and approved by the Council.
- This permit is liable to be revoked by Council if the permit holder fails to comply with a condition of this permit or may be revoked in any other justifiable circumstance.
- This permit will not come into operation until proof of the appropriate insurance has been provided to the Council, and a copy of this document, signed by the Council has been returned to you.
- This permit will not come into operation until payment of $200.00 has been made to Council
Special Conditions
- All stallholders will be required to complete a survey which will be forwarded within 3 months following the event. The aim of this survey is to track employment, training, education, volunteering, social inclusion outcomes of attendees.
- Stallholders by signing this permit agree that information pertaining to their involvement is likely to be included in City of Playford media collateral developed for the purposes of this event.
- All stallholders must comply with the current SA Covid Restrictions.
Remember that if you provide your agencies branding materials it can/may be utilised as part of the promotion of this event on the City of Playford webpage or other media as agreed by the Planning Committee.
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